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Day Two:  July 20, 2022

Where We Are Going 

Working group sessions

Join a workgroup to create specific action plan recommendations with USVI governmental and NGO partners committing to lead on specific identified actions and tasks.

  • Group 1: Education and Youth Engagement

  • Group 2: USVI Complete Streets Policy Implementation

  • Group 3: USVI Land and Water plan

  • Group 4: Healthy Community Design

  • Group 5: Resiliency and Sustainability

PHASE 2: Summary discussion from Workgroups (REPORT OUT)

Closing Plenary: Call to Action

The USVI Walkability Institute is made possible through a partnership with TEPHINET, a program of The Task Force for Global Health (TFGH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the USVI Department of Health (USVIDOH). Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of The Task Force for Global Health, Inc., TEPHINET, or the CDC.

For more information, email

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