hlights this week...
Physical Activity
Thursday & Friday, January 28-29
Register Here
The Safe Streets Summit is a collaborative effort between the Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization, the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency to provide a local yet regionally connected approach to prioritizing and implementing Complete Streets throughout southeast Florida. Register for the annual Safe Streets Summit’s 1st virtual conference to learn about the latest local and national initiatives for advancing safe streets for all.
Upcoming Webinar: Winter Recreation and Parks Strategies
Thursday, January 28th
1 – 2:15 pm EST
Register Here
Hosted by the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association & the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association. Winter is an exciting time across Canada, so our parks, public spaces and open spaces need to be accessible to all. Winter can also be a challenging time for citizens to get outdoors, and for professionals to advocate for the winter use of these spaces.
Speakers: Dr. Troy Glover, University of Waterloo, Isla Tanaka, Winter City, Edmonton, Alberta, Amanda O’Rourke, 8 80 Cities