2017-2020 Archives Link
January 12 Link
April 13 Link
July 15 Link
Reference Materials
What is a Walk Audit?
Island teams Workspace Link
Mark Fenton’s Recovery Guiding Principles document, titled “Recovry.Guidng.Princpls.docx
St. Croix USVI Resilience Workshop RECAP
Trailnet in St. Louis Plan4Health (Examples of Pop-Up Demonstrations) Link
USVI Walkability Institute Media library (photos, video, etc. ) Link
U.S. Virgin Islands Office of Highway Safety: Highway Traffic Report 2016 Link
- Walkability video: "Healthy People, Healthy Places"; Austin, Texas Link
- Current and Potential Walkability projects in the US Virgin Islands Link
Examples of Uses for Implementation Funds
(For use as a reference for the April 13, 2018 Conference Dial in)

From Hilo Hawaii, where they created a median "island" with paint and a "yield pedestrian in crosswalk" sign

From Portland, OR, where they created a smaller version of a temporary island, using a hay bale and cones

From Wolcott, VT, where they used planters and curb stops to make a defined walkway along a very open parking lot

From Queens, NY, where they created a low-cost curb extension with paint and vertical delineators

From Livingston, MT, where they created a temporary curb extension

From Livingston, MT, where they created a temporary curb extension with paint and cones

From Livingston, MT, where they created a temporary mini-roundabout near the farmers market

From New Haven, CT, where they created a temporary bike lane

From Whitefish, MT, where they created a temporary protected bike lane
Examples of a Pop - Up demonstration
Below are photos of the materials from the Western Transportation Institutes pop-up trailer. The materials can be used to create curb extensions, crosswalks, mini-circles, chicanes, sections of protected bike lane.